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Design with glass

From anti-reflection to color tints, modern glass enhances design in many ways.

Build with glass

Whatever the construction challenge, we have the glass to help meet it.

Glass for your home

See how the correct choice of glass can help transform a home – and even our wellbeing.

7 St. Thomas

Curved glass contributes to harmony between Victorian and contemporary design

Midlands Technical College Library

When glass helps to create a comfortable learning environment

ARO - 242 West 53rd Street

Floor to ceiling windows provide light, transparency and sweeping views of Central Park

All our projects

From landmark construction projects to innovative residential builds, this is how our glass can make the difference.

Our story

Just as we were in 1932, we're ready to meet the challenges of now and the future


Find out more about how glass can support sustainable design

Quality control

We strive for quality in everything we do

Glass Analytics

Access our comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical tools

BIM objects

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Seminars and online learning

For anyone who is interested in learning more about glass and its use

Guardian UltraMirror®


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Like what you see

"Time takes its toll on ordinary mirrors. With UltraMirror glass, reflections remain beautiful and true over time. Corrosion, chemicals and clouding are no match for its unparalleled protection. Display a space’s best reflections with outstanding durability, backed by a 10-year warranty. Ultra strength Household cleaners, adhesives and humidity are the enemies of perfect reflection. UltraMirror glass stands up to these challenges with beautiful reflection and uncompromising durability. Thanks to a patented, copper-free manufacturing process, UltraMirror glass is proven to be superior to conventional mirrors in all accelerated tests. Ultra range Ideal for interior spaces such as retail and hospitality settings, UltraMirror glass performs well in high-traffic spaces where maintaining a beautiful, like-new appearance is crucial."

Product information

  • Clear Float 3-6 mm
  • Decorative
  • Mirror
  • Furniture
Manufacturing Options
  • Annealed
Recommended Coating Positions
  • Surface 2 (double IGU)
Maximum Size
  • <2600x3600mm
Edge Deletion
  • No
Glass Type
  • Premium Mirror
Glass Functions
  • Reflective
Fabrication Options
  • Can be used Monolithic